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Tuesday, December 27, 2005

_*No:1 Box Office Hit*_

Image by www.kingkongmovie.com

Ohh...finally went for my movie and I must say it's one of the BEST movie in town! 3 full hours of entertainment, thrilling yet touching. Wanted to use my free movie tickets but then decided to go catch it at Balestier as all theatres was packed everywhere. Tickets were selling at $9.50 and kuai yong bought me pop-corn at $6.50 hee~ The pop corn was freshly made especially the salted ones, except that I specifically told the guy I wanted mixed, as in half salted; half sweet and what a disappointment, he only filled my bucket with 1/4 of my favourite salted pop corn. Oh well, never mind...I did enjoy my show alot! It's a MUST to catch it in the cinemas =] Went to City Plaza today to help out with the stock taking of the goods, didn't know that it could be that tiring unloading and counting and packing...phew! Anyway, got $10 for wages and had KFC for lunch. It's good experience and was glad that I actually sacrificed my morning sleep to get my butt to do some work. Now, I kinda feel a little dizzy after taking a ride in Mighel's STI... bumpy ride and definately not a passengers' car! Manage to see his gf's photos today and hey she's has got a very nice dimple. Went home and had my all time favourite Char Mee... added abit too much pepper today, spices are in my tummy..HOT! How was my day today? It was FANTASTIC!

~*In the girls room*~ @ Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Your Time Now:

posted by Sherlaine @ Tuesday, December 27, 2005 0 Comments

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Monday, December 26, 2005

_*Christmas Eve, Christmas Day*_

Hello Kitty
Christmas! A festive of love and moments of sharing* How was your Christmas this year? I had my x'mas eve celebration at Godma's place... this time I brought Jackie & Jayson over as well... didn't organize any games this time as I was really busy over the entire week wrapping up presents after presents. Uncle Freddy cooked lotsa yummy food and I love the log cake... the chocolate moose...slurps! It was fantastic! Christmas day? Eh...kinda boring, didn't go anywhere... wasted half the day being a polar bear hibernating till 6.00 pm. Went to Ah Hee with ah gong to entertain his second son for dinner. Didn't wanna end the day yet so decided to go to Swensens for topless 5... kuai yong and I ordered 3 lime sorbet and 2 sticky chewy chocolate. Jackie & Jayson ordered lime sorbet, orange sorbet, strawberry, chocolate chip and sticky chewy chocolate. Tomorrow will be at city plaza with kuai yong to help with the stock taking at 7.00am...urgh!! Am still thinking of whick nokia handphone model to purchase, wanted the flip phone but it's kinda out-dated... wish to have the 8800 but it's way too expensive! $1400 at least, gosh! Perhaps if I strike 4-D or TOTO which I don't even queue to buy them... hah! Wishful thinking...^laughs^ I wanna have my hair style changed...hmm how about having bangs? Ohh... but I wanna have my hair rebonded, it's getting stubborn again with the curls..damn! There's always so much that I wanna do, but who's gonna sponser me with all that crappy request??? Oh well... shall do that in my dreams! Nitezy

~*In the girls room*~ @ Monday, December 26, 2005

Your Time Now:

posted by Sherlaine @ Monday, December 26, 2005 0 Comments

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Saturday, December 24, 2005

_*Devil Beside You*_

Raine Yang

Latest Series: Devil Beside You
Starring : Raine Yang & Mike He
Ratings : *****
Music : Ai Mei (sung by Yang Cheng Ling)

I finally watch the whole episode and I strongly recommand "Devil Beside You" for your up-coming holidays! Raine is such a pretty actress + singer, Mike He plays the school’s bully and holds a sweet relationship with Rainie... this show is quite similiar to Meteor Garden (starring F4), if you enjoyed this, then all the more you will love "Devil Beside You". Anyway, I'm looking forward to "Devil Beside You II"...hope that after receiving the good audience response, they will decide to continue filming part II...Smile

Ahem! Shall get back to my blog entry... finally finished shopping for everyone's Christmas presents, bought Kuai Yong the Bilabong's new arrival black shirt... not at all expensive compared to the x'mas present he bought me. Wanted to buy him a pair of sunglasses but didn't had the time to go down to beach road, guess I'll have to do it another day... anyway, yesterday I got him two sets of Levis boxers at Robinsons, Godma had $40 Robinsons voucher so no payment was made. Dad's present? Hah! As usual, I bought him a yellow polo T-shirt... as for my mum's present, I got her a black blouse from DANO... hope she'll like it. Oh and Godma bought me a nice sweet pink cardigan... I like it alot! Later we had fried rice, beef noodles, xiao long bao & fried long beans for dinner. Today I had a hard time looking for an imitation LV wallet for Jackie at Toa Payoh, searched the entire central and ended up buying him a shirt instead, rushed to NTUC to buy the salad ingredients... took 15 mins just to find lettuces as they were all buried under the celerys...gosh! Treasure hunt day? I think so too... Kuai Yong wasn't feeling too well, tummy upset after having prawn noodles... he threw up twice and so I made him drink the thai chinese medicine, now he's sound asleep, poor precious..taken ill already.

~*In the girls room*~ @ Saturday, December 24, 2005

Your Time Now:

posted by Sherlaine @ Saturday, December 24, 2005 0 Comments

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Wednesday, December 21, 2005

_*Featuring i-Pod Nano*_

Featuring my BEST christmas present for the year 2005!!

The Black Master Piece [i-Pod Nano]

from my Da

With a lovely sweet pink "condom"... sweet!

This is the gift of "love" I was talking about in my previous entry at www.sherlaine.blogspot.com, finally managed to take down the pictures, so decided to post it for your viewing pleasure. It's an expensive present and it means more than just its value because of the sentiments that comes with it. This precious da of mine wouldn't even buy this for himself but he bought it for me without having any second thoughts... so sweet of him right? It never came across my mind that he would be giving me a surprise this christmas... when he first present it to me, my whole world stopped for a second and ohhh! I so wanna kiss & hug him... not because he bought me such an expensive gift but the thought of him giving me the best in life melted my heart. He's such a dearie to me & I know I will love him even more each day.

~*In the girls room*~ @ Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Your Time Now:

posted by Sherlaine @ Wednesday, December 21, 2005 0 Comments

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Friday, December 02, 2005

_*Previous Entries*_

Free Money Given? Dated: 01/12/05

Whoo! 1st day of December 2005... how was your day? Mine was fine... my lesson ended at 5.00pm today and later met up with Kuai Yong to attend our Hi-Club lesson at Blk 72. Learnt quite a few other basics like numbers and stuff like "you", "my", "him", "them" etc... I kinda forgotten most of it cos I didn't practice it when I got home...so yup! I need some revision...perhaps later? Had dinner at Ah Hee with Ah gong and Sui Gu with the 2 kids... the "tou gay" is my favourite dish of all ! Oh before I forgot... before Kuai Yong and I went for our CCA, we headed to SIM for lunch... not really lunch cos it was already 5.00pm, anyway... I ordered Bolognese Pasta $3.90 and Kuai Yong ordered a set chicken pasta which includes "soup of the day" for $5.90... this silly cashier, she was dreaming away (I think)... she charged us only $3.90 when we gave her the "white" card... how silly!! Haha..and so Kuai Yong and I then decided..since we're so lucky today, we shall catch a movie! Went to Yishun Golden Village to watch Chicken Little.. hmm... I'll rate it 6/10 as it wasn't as funny as I thought it would be. Not a bad first day of december still =)

Dance Performance Dated: 30/11/05

Ohh...dance performance today and it was beautifully danced by each and every one of the dancers! Here's what we did before the performance~ We spend the whole afternoon in the dance room putting on our make-ups... this senior of mine, Meimei tied my hair up for me, but later I re-tied it myself as it was rather "high" and untidy... continued on with the compact powder (contributed by Ming Sui) and eye shadow (pink + blue)... this Meimei don't have much skills putting on make up, she put the blusher on me until I looked like a "clown"!!! Pengz... so I had to do some touch up myself. The tying up of plaits was difficult, Jasmine helped me tied mine and I tied hers... lastly, we finally wore our costumes and headed straight to the sports hall... on our way there was extrememly embarrassing... heads turned as we walked, not because we were too "gorgeous" but it's like "S0oo weird"!! come to think of it, it's funny though =) Anyway, later in the evening, Kuai Yong picked me up and we decided to go to Marina Bay to try out my dad's bbq steamboat... hmm, the pepper beef was not too bad, the Korean beef & chicken was still as fantastic!! I like the curry marinated squid...yummy! Overall, it was a wonderful dinner. Visitors of my blog, pls do drop by to have dinner there, it's affordable & great range of varieties to choose from. Opps...wanna know more abt it, tag me yah...I shall carry on with my blog, hee~ Oh and after our dinner, Kuai Yong & I took a stroll down to the arcade centre and play a few games... most infuriating event of the day: $10.00 SUMMON! (for 40 mins coupon expiry)
What a spoiler! Kuai Yong was pissed and so we drove around and saw the night's action at the carpark... Best! haha =] That should end the day nicely yah? ^smirks^

~*In the girls room*~ @ Friday, December 02, 2005

Your Time Now:

posted by Sherlaine @ Friday, December 02, 2005 0 Comments

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