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Tuesday, January 24, 2006

_*My Shopping Week Summary*_

[Summary of $ Spent]

I am such a spend thrift when it comes to buying clothes... here's what I bought for my New Year.

White Corset Dress: $89.90
Black Top Corset : $79.90
Flair Skirt : $33.00 (Da Sponser)
Brown Heels : $29.90
Polka Dots Skirt : $39.90 (Mummy Sponser)
Long Pink Skirt : $45.00 (Mummy Sponser)

Today I went to Orchard Isetan and bought myself a nice pendant from Yin & Yang.

Pink Pendant : $13.90

Went to Bugis and got myself 2 pair of earrings.

@ 2 for : $4.00

Total Amount : $335.50/-

[My token of Appreciation]
Da: Thank you for taking time out to bring me go shopping! Muacksz Image hosting by Photobucket

[A torn in my Mind]
Arghh!! M1 is chasing me for my out-standing bill, but I have spent all my allowance on my CNY clothes...sad Image hosting by Photobucket now I can't make out-going calls & It's causing me lotsa inconvenience.

[Stormy Weather]
The "moon" seems cranky again... better to stay clear and avoid unneccesary friction. Takes a lot of "reading between the lines" skills to get to the origin of the message. Whatever! Time is all that matters and things will never be the same again.

Am gonna be performing for the up-coming public performance, a dance choreographed by Dawn. Supposedly the performance will be held at Victoria Theater Hall...I just love dancing and am glad that I was chosen for this performance!Image hosting by Photobucket

~*In the girls room*~ @ Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Your Time Now:

posted by Sherlaine @ Tuesday, January 24, 2006 0 Comments

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Sunday, January 22, 2006

_*A New Universe Ought to be Learned*_

"Sun & Moon" has gone completely "bersak"! Imagine the peacefulness of your dreams being interupted but the frequency of distorted sound waves. The star(s) of course wants it's peace and quiet, it is better not to probe into their skies...the star is not going to fall off the sky and neither is it going into a different orbit in space so just don't make a fuss about it. It's just a happy star wanting some time out with fellowmates. All in all, it's a reciprocal rule, the more the invasion of privacy and freedom, the more "stubborn" it can get...so keep the pie hole stuffed with cotton wools of "trust" & "support". The returns of it would be more effective.

~*In the girls room*~ @ Sunday, January 22, 2006

Your Time Now:

posted by Sherlaine @ Sunday, January 22, 2006 0 Comments

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Thursday, January 19, 2006

_*Inexplicable Love*_

I feel so "bad" but either way I know I will not feel good. I want as much as to give him my fullest support but I failed. Am I wrong or am I just plain selfish? I don't want to over-react but ghesh! I won't want my predictions to come true either... I tried letting it go but if I gave in, and if in the end it didn't work out...I only have myself to blame cos' I didn't refrain it from happening. It wasn't the game, it wasn't the competition, it wasn't the time either, all that hindered me was my dislikes. I didn't like the discrimination and disrespect I received. Should I give in? I have only till tomorrow evening...it's a hard decision to make and the thought of it is killing me within... Love can be that selfish when you so love a person, compromising isn't as easy as it seems. He didn't make a din about my selfishness, in turn he gave it all up for the smiles and assurance of mine. Dwelling myself into considerations, it's either him or me... it's not possible to change the coach...it's not me that will be the "the outcome doesn't concerns me". But there's a part of me that truly believes that his love is worth the bet. If there's ever a day that we gave up on each other... at least I know I've tried laying my worries down. Da:" I've learned to love you a bit "lesser"... I trust that my worries were unneccesary like you mentioned; so da... it's now your freedom of choice and I already know what your chosen choice will be, so if its truly your wish to be a part of the commitments ahead... make it a choice that we'll never regret."

~*In the girls room*~ @ Thursday, January 19, 2006

Your Time Now:

posted by Sherlaine @ Thursday, January 19, 2006 0 Comments

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_*Is it Okay?*_

Is it okay to be selfish?
Is it okay to be paranoid?
Is it okay to be petty?
Is it okay to be possessive?

~*In the girls room*~ @ Thursday, January 19, 2006

Your Time Now:

posted by Sherlaine @ Thursday, January 19, 2006 0 Comments

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Monday, January 16, 2006

_*Prince Charming*_

Ohh! New Hair-cut, New Look...My is he gorgeous! (drooling) Godma brought us to Esther's salon for some nice hair cut, Kuai Yong and I take a taxi down to her office to meet her there. Oh! and I will fill you in with my taxi experience later. Back to my prince charming... managed to persuade my da to do some colour, so Esther chose red as the base for him and added on some highlights. The after effects were dazzling!! I was completely mesmerized! Da looked like a STAR! Whoo... so wanna kiss and hug him. Image hosted by Photobucket.com

Right, back to the "out to cheat money" taxi driver. Boarded the taxi opposite Thomson plaza our destination was Shenton Way. This silly driver did not want to take the CTE ( for whatever reasons) and took alll sorts of funny and uneccesary route to "god knows where" and it was clearly intentional that he did it on purpose! What a disgrace to his company and I'm never gonna take that company's taxi ever again. Cheater Bugger!

~*In the girls room*~ @ Monday, January 16, 2006

Your Time Now:

posted by Sherlaine @ Monday, January 16, 2006 0 Comments

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Saturday, January 14, 2006

_*Will my patience last?*_

I'm left hanging alone
But you didn't want to pick me back up there
I tried avoiding the issue with a smile
But I know it ain't working cos that smile isin't real
Tell me please, I need an answer

~*In the girls room*~ @ Saturday, January 14, 2006

Your Time Now:

posted by Sherlaine @ Saturday, January 14, 2006 0 Comments

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Friday, January 13, 2006


I'm sick and tired already... I had enough shit and darn everything! everybody! If you think you are damn f*cking good, I'm sad to say that you have no values at all. It's a shame that you go round making groundless accusations just because of some past experiences and perhaps your love life didn't make out, so don't make assumptions and think that you are some professional! Oh yah... you do play well but look! you are not undefeatable so don't stick those proud yucky horns out of your head! It's because of your callous remark that causes misunderstadings and arguements...and to the event organizer: " you ought to know simple basic rules of a brief description of any sort of meeting to your commitee... rules, commitments and regulations ought to be laid out as clearly as possible, don't expect people to have it as a surprise and worst of all! You ought to allow time for considerations!" No sense of simple responsibility at your age, good gracious! My impression of all of you changed totally within that one night, just because we are students, you guys think we don't know proper etiquette ? You're wrong! We have been taught a lot more than you would have expected so change that stinky conception of yours! And please, on what basis and rights do you have to intefer with people's personal life? A trainer? A National team player? Get your priorities right before you speak, speaking without even thinking gets you nowhere! Sheesh! Irritating bunch of "full of themselves" people, since you don't show mutual respect, you will not have mine either! What comes around goes around, you had it coming! (pardon my expletives as I am freaking pissed!)

~*In the girls room*~ @ Friday, January 13, 2006

Your Time Now:

posted by Sherlaine @ Friday, January 13, 2006 0 Comments

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Wednesday, January 11, 2006

_*Rain Rain Go Away*_

Raindrops falling on my head; they keep falling... oh well went shopping with mum at Bugis Junction yesterday and she bought me my electrical toothbrush, just what I needed cos' mine spoilt a month ago. Went to Sasa and I bought a few nail polish for the coming chinese new year, didn't manage to get any new year clothes as there was none that caught my eye. Most importantly, I wanna get my hair rebonded and dyed, perhaps I will change my hairstyle to the ones with the bangs. Am still contemplating which salon to go, Kimage or my friend's mother salon at Orchard Hotel. Hmm...guess I'll have to use this month's allowance cos there ain't any sponsership. M1 is chasing me for my outstanding balance...urgh!! Phone bills are a hassle! Guess I'll go have it paid a.s.a.p ~ Long day ahead tomorrow, 8-5 lesson leh and after which I will be attending a funeral with the usual company, my teacher passed away...he seemed so healthy and the news was kinda sudden and unexpected. Though, we often made fun of him and pissed him off during our secondary school years, still he's considered very patient cos he remained as our form teacher for 3 consecutive years. Those were the memorable days of my growing years and the best of friends ever met! I kinda miss my secondary school years...it was the bitter sweet phase of my life.

~*In the girls room*~ @ Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Your Time Now:

posted by Sherlaine @ Wednesday, January 11, 2006 0 Comments

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Tuesday, January 10, 2006

_*Raw Delicacy of Japanese Cuisine*_

Woke up and it felt weird having to go to school for lecture after 2 weeks break...oh well, kuai yong sends me to school all the time so what is there to complain! How spoiled... I missed my IPD today and was relieved to hear from my groupmate that they have completed 75% already so next week we have about 25% more to do before our presentation. Projects after projects, urgh!! It never ends... poor da, down with the flu and so I accompanied him to the doctor at Sin Ming... took less than 10 minutes as he was the only patient. Had a short afternoon nap and headed to SGH to visit his mum. Was feeling hungry, so we thought of going to dad's place to eat...called dad but he didn't pick up his phone, guess he's busy so called godma to see if she wants to have dinner together and she said okay; but have to wait till 8.00pm as she has loads of work to settle before she goes for her Penang trip on Wednesday. Godma brought us to a Japanese restaurant at Shenton Way area, we had buffet and my! the salmon, swordfish, tuna and octopus was really yummy! I enjoyed the paper steamboat too =) This godma also "giat", dunno how come order until so many sushi rolls and maki, haha! we ended up rejecting the food back to the waitress and she gave us the look of " cannot eat so much, greedy order so much food...now still dare to reject." *laughs Nevertheless, it was a pleasant dinner and godma shared with us her stories of her work. Ended our dinner with fruits and ice-cream... went back to the hospital to get my stuff and by 11.30, the nurses carried their torches and hinted that we should be leaving as the patients need to rest for the day. Went home and did a bit of my "love project"...till now am still blogging but shall end it here... what can I say? Hmm...I guess I had a long day.

~*In the girls room*~ @ Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Your Time Now:

posted by Sherlaine @ Tuesday, January 10, 2006 0 Comments

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Saturday, January 07, 2006

_*DuRiaNs..Yum! Yum!*_


Wohoo! Had durians and durians and durians...shiok! It was Brother's and dad's treat... Brother's gf was around last night and she's kinda shy, perhaps not very familiar with us yet. Went to DeBluez for some dart practising cos' today kuai yong might be joining the competition. I have finally cleared my 2 common test papers... DAD paper was quite simple but the TP paper sucks!! To think I studied in advance for so many days till the wee hours and damn! the feeling for yesterday's paper sucked to the max... there goes my A...crap! Never liked the feeling of not doing it well and smoothly, oh well I shall make it work for the coming examinations. Mum bought me lingerie from Blush for the coming chinese new year, how sweet of her...I wanna go have my hair done but have no sponsership yet. *sighs

~*In the girls room*~ @ Saturday, January 07, 2006

Your Time Now:

posted by Sherlaine @ Saturday, January 07, 2006 0 Comments

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Thursday, January 05, 2006

_*Exam Week*_

Urgh!!! Been the longest time since I studied...slack for almost 2 and a half weeks and BANG! Here I am with my stack of files all up on the table, waiting for me to give them a "good" look. I enjoyed my new year but these few days, lotsa negativity here and there... when things are left unsaid and heard... people tend to mis-interpret and make groundless accusations. Why can't people learn to hear the things people don't tell them? (Read between the lines and you'll understand wat I meant) Weather is bad...been raining and I think I have gotten the colds. How sad to fall ill just when I'm about to have my test tomorrow! Internet and router was DOWN and why is there problems after problems?? CAN'T I HAVE A PEACEFUL NEW 2006 YEAR???!!! I can still smile because I have lots of people out there who cares and love me...like my kuai yong, my brothers, my parents and my godma. Mum bought me a really nice expensive pink watch... godma gave me some money for my new year... kuai yong sponsered me yummy durians...brother shared his secrets with me... etc Yes, I think I am really pampered and well taken care of and usually my worries are to the minimum. To all my family and friends out there, I thank you for giving me the wonderful times together! Sad memories? Let's leave them behind for they are definately NOT worth the keep =) Let's pray for sunshine tomorrow and may god bless me with the strength and wisdom for my very 1st paper. I want a distinction and I will have it!

~*In the girls room*~ @ Thursday, January 05, 2006

Your Time Now:

posted by Sherlaine @ Thursday, January 05, 2006 0 Comments

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Sunday, January 01, 2006

_*Happy New Year*_


woof! & it's a new year... goodbye to year 2005 and welcome the beginning of year 2006! Went to Chimes to meet up with Evelyn and wow! The atmosphere there was really happening... lotsa people waiting for the countdown, both old and young. People were dancing and you could just see the smiles and laughter on their faces... managed to see the ends of the fireworks as our view was blocked by a building. Godma gave me some money at Alloysious birthday party for me to enjoy my time counting down for the new year... how fortunate I am, just when I'm going broke...haha! Went down to Club "e" bluez to play darts... not bad as I only spend $4.00 on coke and about $9.00 on tidbits. Was a bit hungry so wei jian, da and I went to S11 to have mee pok... yummy "breakfast" as it was already 4.30am. That ended my day and soon enough I was already sound asleep on my bed.

~*In the girls room*~ @ Sunday, January 01, 2006

Your Time Now:

posted by Sherlaine @ Sunday, January 01, 2006 0 Comments

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