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Saturday, February 25, 2006

_*Am Coughing My Lungs Out*_

I feel so sick... had been coughing since last week! Da woke up in the middle of the night to get me my medicine, so sweet of him hor? Exam week is next week Tuesday to Wednesday... both 9-11am papers, urghhh!! Telecommunication Principles, how do I go about started the revision? I feel so lost... oh, have finally done up my dad's business proposal... took me 6 hours and I feel so shag.

~*In the girls room*~ @ Saturday, February 25, 2006

Your Time Now:

posted by Sherlaine @ Saturday, February 25, 2006 0 Comments

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Tuesday, February 21, 2006

_*C.O.A.C.H ~ Hello Kitty*_

Image hosting by Photobucket Had my IN4 theory test today and am quite satisfied with my score... 77.6% Not too bad~ Had "kai xi hor fan" near delta house and later went to Changi with da to explore fishing spot. As usual, I set up my lovely tent and placed my picnic mat inside... it was the perfect environment, No Sun...No Sand Flies...No Construction Workers...plus it was extremely windy. How nice... stayed for about an hour before joining ah gong for dinner at Jumbo (East Coast), we had "Toh Miao", Butter Crab, Steamed Tiger Grouper, Fried Toufu, Drunken Prawns, Satay, "Otah" & Hong Kong Mee.... expensive dinner! Robin kor bought me a lovely sweet Hello Kitty [C.O.A.C.H]...here's the pic!

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Enjoyed myself today and am so happy to recieve such a nice present... Image hosting by Photobucket

~*In the girls room*~ @ Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Your Time Now:

posted by Sherlaine @ Tuesday, February 21, 2006 0 Comments

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Saturday, February 18, 2006

_*Eventful Week*_

14 February Valentines Day

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Da was kinda busy with project, so I went home myself after school to take a short nap, thought we weren't able to celebrate Valentines Day as he was rushing for an important presentation so I was naturally sulking and decided to cheer myself up by shopping at Junction 8. Bought myself 2 lovely lingerie and a black spagetti top, went to G.U.M equipment and saw a blouse for Jie Shi and thought she might like it, so I asked the sales lady for her size and thought I'd buy it hor her for Valentines. My phone rang and oh! It was my da! "was hoping not to hear some bad news" and was really delighted to know that he'd be meeting me. Went to mini toons whilst waiting for him, to my surprise, da appeared with the most beautiful bouquet of red roses I've ever seen...it was for me! So very sweet of him, it melted my heart to bits! We then had a romantic dinner at Sistina, (my all time favourite dinner place) ordered BBQ calamari & a 24 inch mushroom pizza; it was just splendid! Luckily Da managed to make a last min booking, else I wouldn't get to eat my calamari. We then went for Haggen Diaz Coffee ice-cream, had a photo taken with my red roses, oh... so sweet! I just lurve that shot!

15 February Post Valentines Day Movie

Watched " I not stupid too" at Balestier after Da accompanied me to a meeting in school.

18 February Fishing

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That's a "toh-dak" that my da caught, as usual...I always get to have the photo-taking and not him, so it seems as if I was the one who caught it...~laughs~ Ohh... da bought me a tent, which I "giat"...kept insisting that I get one today cos' we had forgotten to bring my portable chair along. Cost $32/- and da offered to buy it for me... hee~ So happy! Went to one of Changi's break-water and da helped me pitch-up the tent, it wasn't as easy as I thought it would be pitching up against the coasts' strong winds & hot sun. Me being a princess...I stayed in the tent the entire afternoon... changed into my T-shirt and tights and lazed till da caught a Flounder! Here's the pic.

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We packed up only when the rain was coming and had Katong Laksa for dinner plus my treat of awfully chocolate ice-cream. Yummy! $2.80 each ... today was kinda worth it cos' I had an additional scoop without charges. Oh dear! We had spent lotsa $$$ and had better be scrimping as of tomorrow onwards.

~*In the girls room*~ @ Saturday, February 18, 2006

Your Time Now:

posted by Sherlaine @ Saturday, February 18, 2006 0 Comments

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Monday, February 13, 2006

_*Post Valentine's Day Bluez*_

This is crazy...I am totally amused with myself, yup that's right. Woke up at 2.00pm yesterday, started doing my IPD power point project till 4.30am; say I started at 2.30pm...hmmm...a freaking 14 hours of work!!! Plus, I didn't have my lunch & dinner... ghee! Was feeling a little"high" but didn't want to get into bed as I was afraid that I would not be able to wake up for my presentation. Waited for mum till 6.00am and took a taxi down to Yio Chu Kang MRT station, then took bus 162A...yah with the A! I was like "Ah, Wats with the A?!" Went on board and it gave me back the feeling of my younger years in Bishan Park Secondary School, where I would get up as early as 5.30am, dad would fetch me to school and I will then take a bus down to da's place... ohh...those were the days. Back to my morning's blur state... sat on the bus till Ai Tong's Primary and the lady bus driver yelled at me:"xiao-jie"! Bus 162A..."zui ho yi ge zhan le", I turned back and yeap! I was the last passenger... without any slight notion that it was the end of the journey, how silly! Alighted and took the next bus 410...was thinking if the condo's main gate was opened? Took a glance at my watch and it showed 6.40am, I was like: "neh! Where got so early open..." So I decided not to alight at the desired bus-stop. Just as the bus drove pass the gate, guess what? It was OPENED!!! Great! Now I'll have to walk up the crappy slope for no reason; my intuition just wasn't there...so much for not sleeping. Crap! Argued with Da and that didn't make my day felt any better... went to school and JS will not be coming till IPD's lesson. Now it's already 11.11am and da still hasn't called me yet, post valentines' blues I guess cos' I haven't got plans for tomorrow... ... how "romantic"

~*In the girls room*~ @ Monday, February 13, 2006

Your Time Now:

posted by Sherlaine @ Monday, February 13, 2006 0 Comments

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