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Friday, July 21, 2006

_*I Hate the Moon~*_

I read the most absurd thing ever today
And I could almost laugh when I saw the message
I'm sorry but this had got to be the last time lying to myself
that it wasn't an intentional part of you to mean it that way

I am sad to say that the resentment in me will forever stay
Time and again, you make me feel that you're not worth my forgiveness
Turn the table around and you will react like a burning flame
But I took it lightly because you will never change

Have you ever worry for my daily expenses?
Have you ever thought who has been paying my school fees all this while?
Have you ever thought if I'd go hungry?
Have you ever thought if I needed allowance?
I doubt it had ever cross your mind...
Simply because it was never showed or asked

I am already scrimping and saving for myself to get by
But I threw that thought away by helping to pay for the household
And because I did that, I am now broke!
Not that I regret it, it's because I love my dad
He offered to return, but I decline his sincere thoughts for me
It was the best I could help for him
At the very least, I know he cared

You love to look at a different angel of the picture
Perhaps you like being negative
For me, it doesn't matter because I have grown to adapt to you having negative thoughts
Frankly, the only 3 person whom I love most in life does not include you
Perhaps one day... you might be able to change that

My doors are always open, but this time I chose to shut it...
Until the day, you realize that you do make mistakes sometime
Because all humans ain't perfect

~*In the girls room*~ @ Friday, July 21, 2006

Your Time Now:

posted by Sherlaine @ Friday, July 21, 2006 0 Comments

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Wednesday, July 19, 2006

_*Irresistible Desire to be FREE*_

Yippee! It's finally mid-week... my dear friends on attachment, let's do a countdown! 3 more weeks of grueling 9-6 working hours and we are FREE! For those who have decided to extend your attachment, congratulations! You seem to like your 'duties' at work, or should I say...the company offered you a nice pay cheque?! Laughs~ Whatever it may be... my sincere well wishes to you!

Feel like having Nasi Lemak for lunch later...mmmm... gonna bring Jasmin to Golden Shoe Carpark for the famous Nasi Lemak in Shenton Way! At only $SGD2.00 for three selected dish items. Am getting famished...drank milo in the morning but was too busy doing my stuff to finish it up... *hehe

I will be back again with my entry later... ... gotta get back to work (",) ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .....

Okay...I'm back! Had a real good and cheap lunch, I had Nasi Lemak and ordered the following:

1.) Fried Sunny Up Egg
2.) Fried Chicken Wing
3.) Luncheon Meat
4.) Ikan Bilis

And all for only $SGD2.30! I also bought a cup of soya bean drink at only SGD$0.50! Today's lunch costs less than three dollars...wow! Today I helped Jasmin create a blog for herself, hope she's having lotsa fun =) Suddenly don't feel like going for dance... I feel like taking a break from the hectic hours till 9:30 pm, doubt I'd be going tonight... *signs

~*In the girls room*~ @ Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Your Time Now:

posted by Sherlaine @ Wednesday, July 19, 2006 0 Comments

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Tuesday, July 18, 2006

_*Dear Diary*_

Ghee... am feeling so sleepy....Zzzzz ^_^ I seriously need a good nice afternoon nap, Sobs~ But a pity I can't...cause I am on ATTACHMENT! I am getting lazy by the days... the pace of my work has slowed down, an honest declaration:"I'm really tired"

I can't wait to meet up with my lovable khakis, Zhuanqi...Carmen...Wei Jian & Jeremy! It's steamboat time and a call for a reunion dinner. They are the best pals ever! Bali days was fun and absolutely HAPPENING... I so want to go for a holiday but there's so much expenses to take into considerations, air tickets...accomodation...food...transport...shopping... and my attachment allowance is enough to only keep me alive here in Singapore. It's weird, but I dun seem to care cos' I will still be going for my China Trip!

I wanna shop for dresses, shoes, bags, blouses, hello kittys, accesories and indulge in the cusines of Hong Kong, China, Guangzhou etc... People, I highly recommend that you 'bao ang bao' for me on my 21st Birthday... help chip-in for my China Trip :)

When can I start on my business plan... ??? There is so much that I wanna do and I'd most likely start my business outside Singapore for wider opportunities. I am working towards financial freedom and yes, I will buy my first European car...either my Mercedes or Wolkswagon - The Beetle. Laughs... how about getting myself my drivers license first. *winks

My precious da will soon be entitled 2 years of service to the country on 7 September 2006. 2 weeks of probabtion period for the training course outside the boarders of Singapore - Tekong.
I heard the place seemed like a chalet, so I guess that he will enjoy his 'holiday' there. Gonna miss him for sure but its definately worth the wait, cause absence makes the heart grow fonder.

Had dinner with Godma last night at Sunset Bar (Seletar Air-Base)... she'd be going to KL again this coming Wednesday and perhaps she will be in KL for at least 6 months. She is obviously shagged and worn out, complications of the operations in KL is driving her nuts... it's her call to salvage it as the company depends very much on her. Had a good chat with her and realized how evil one's heart can stoop to for the sake of money, I certainly despise such act for it ain't hournorable, having to sow discord to break the bondage and gain favoritism is a shameful act of sin. To think such an existence of human exists...may god bless you as the darkness of your heart discloses your evil plots.

The wilderness of greed ended you up in a pleade... but the final ending of it... that was what really made the person fleed!

~*In the girls room*~ @ Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Your Time Now:

posted by Sherlaine @ Tuesday, July 18, 2006 0 Comments

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I have witnessed whats called MOTIVE
Nothing in this world comes FREE
Thats how 'genuine' a human heart can BE

The attempt of your sow discord FAILED
And the look on your face showed GUILT
Having lived to an age of MATURITY
It's a pity that you had to act so CHILDISHLY

You'd probably thought you could end the BONDAGE
But think again because the bondage started at thy YOUNG AGE
Over the years...tender love & care turned the PAGE
Till this day, it will always be my PRIVILEDGE

Do what it takes to rip our love CAGE
My only advice to you; you'll only end up in a RAGE

~*In the girls room*~ @ Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Your Time Now:

posted by Sherlaine @ Tuesday, July 18, 2006 0 Comments

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Wednesday, July 12, 2006

_*Busy Me*_

Hectic week it has been with no ample time to rest
A long journey lasting from Mondays to Fridays
Someone's gonna nag at me for coming home late
Cause I didn't manage to find energy for the explaination

I so wanted to do some shopping
Everything seems to be falling apart
My blouses seemed over-washed
Laces on my skirts didn't last for long
Shoes worn out with the friction
But I ain't got the spare cash to pamper myself
Cause I had just paid my greatest liability of all
"My Handphone Bill !"

My attachment days are finally coming to an end
But I had received a proposal wanting me to stay
At a poor and pathetic rate of $4.00/hr
I doubt I will continue... ...

I am turning 21 this coming August
But I ain't got any plans for the celebrations
My dream plan are way beyond budget
Looks like it's gonna be another normal celebration

Looking forward for my trip to China
Looking for someone to sponser my air-tickets
No one seemed willing and I'm going for 2 weeks
Sounds like I'll be there as a refugee...

~*In the girls room*~ @ Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Your Time Now:

posted by Sherlaine @ Wednesday, July 12, 2006 0 Comments

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Tuesday, July 11, 2006

_*Lost at the Crossroad of Life*_

Haven't been blogging since May... had been rather busy with my industrial attachment and dance practice. Almost every week, I am packed with activities and frankly... it's kinda tiring. My company wants me to extend and the rate they could offer was $4.00 an hour which is really pathetic, I am still taking into considerations that I would perhaps decline their offer if I feel that it's not worth it.

It's a different me suddenly... I happened to realize that the closeness just isn't there anymore. I saw the side of whats called surface love. Everyone seem to hold personal grudges against one another for something that doesn't count in the context of real love. For once, I felt as if we were strangers... and that unconditional love only exist in fairy tales. Perhaps that is why we are labelled as humans that allow our emotions to rule our minds. The thing that is of true value will never be cherished but left to perish instead.

Our days of time together are numbered by the seconds, but who except myself notices that. Apparently, I'm alone in counting the days... but for now, I thought it didn't matter anymore as I have grown weary of counting it myself. What lies ahead of me seemed aspiring, whats hidden underneath it is a tool that can literally end the all years of relationship and love.

Should I be seeking future with a pure individual effort? Or should I take up what has been drawn up for me? Opportunity doesn't strike twice as said to believed... I am at a crossroad with roads with unknown destinations at the end, and whats worst, I haven't got much time to try them all and choose the best route. Must life always be a gamble? So I'm pinning my hopes on luck? Apparently so...

I went fishing with stockings, for a simple reason to prevent myself from getting bitten by mosquitoes. I returned home with over 25 mosquitoe bites! The stocking didn't work and I have to now suffer from the brutal itchiness. The precaution measures I took failed and I have whats called, being in the wrong place at the wrong time which even precautions taken turned futile.

Who can I blame? ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... The birth of our Universe?

~*In the girls room*~ @ Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Your Time Now:

posted by Sherlaine @ Tuesday, July 11, 2006 0 Comments

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