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Thursday, August 17, 2006

_*Hall of Shame!*_

Am at the airport now... the most horrible experience ever! These people do not have the word courtesy in their dictionary, had this china lady (thick-skinned) asking if we could allow her to go first in the check-in queue, I'm like...."Auntie, first come, first serve eh...whick ku ku actually allow you to go first into their queue when you have so many baggage!" Silly Girl! So. that was the first most horrible china people I've met even before I step my feet into their country. *Eyes rolling heavenwards

Then, I had this 2 ANG MOHS... who thought they had the smartest brains in the world...park their trolley ; hogging up two check-in queueing lanes! When they saw that the right lane was gonna take a long time because of a group check-in, they moved right into OUR LANE, which also means they literally cut queue! SHAME on THEM! No Ethics ANG MOHS! Sickening Couple, I had very much wanted to post their pictures here! Pui!

Overall, had a nice welcome smile from all the singapore polices and custom officers. it's feels exeptionally safe here in Singapore! I'm proud to be a citizen here! =D

Okay, used the free internet service here...winks...how nice! Gotta run.... blog in my entry again soon.

~*In the girls room*~ @ Thursday, August 17, 2006

Your Time Now:

posted by Sherlaine @ Thursday, August 17, 2006 0 Comments

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Friday, August 04, 2006

_*Turning 21 in a blink of an eye*_

I'm turning 21 this coming SATURDAY! Oh...I miss my childhood days

Sticker Collection
Friendship Bands
Ronald Dahl Books
Enid Blyton Books
Polly Pocket
Fantasy Island
Fun World at Marina Square
National Anthem Singing at the Parade Square/ Field
Custom made homes using blankets and tables
Role Play as a teacher and soft-toys as students

& many more.... did you share the same childhood days like mine?

I wil be holding a pool side party this coming Saturday, which is TOMORROW at my place. Invited lots of friends from Primary, Secondary to Tertiary School mates. I bought door gifts for everyone, cute little tissue boxes with a tiny bar of chocolate. Had been wrapping them up for 2 nights till 1.30am, still left with 12 more to go...

There's so much that's needed for preparation, I have taken half day leave just to go buy the groceries, hopefully it would't be too costly as I am saving for my China Trip.

To all my lovely friends out there, thank you for taking time out this Saturday to attend my party... let's hope you will enjoy it as much as I will this weekend! See yah!

~*In the girls room*~ @ Friday, August 04, 2006

Your Time Now:

posted by Sherlaine @ Friday, August 04, 2006 0 Comments

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