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Monday, November 27, 2006

_*The Art of Studying*_

Tests! Exams! Projects!
It all comes together as one 'mind-disturbing' schedule
RAN Written is due tomorrow at 1.00pm noon
13 chapters of contents; of which doesn't seem to make any sense
Am wanting to get it over and done with ASAP
But the agony of memorizing something senseless is 'torturing'!

My weekend was eventful
I had my performance and an enjoyable time with my precious Da
It is one's blessing to be loved dearly by someone you have been loving
I was pampered since day 1 and I will always cherish every moment we have had
A gift of Haagen Dazs every week! Okay...I know I'm spoilt ~ winks

My movie last weekend was SAW III
This is not for the faint hearted once again...it is absolutely gruesome and bloody!
Been trying to go on a diet? Watch this movie and it will be spoiling your day's appetite
I rate it 8/10 (BEST gothic scene of the year!)
Just a notice for you: It's R21 *obviously it has a bit of nudity, but in an artistic way

Alright for now...gonna have to get back on track with my chapters
I hate reminding myself for that, but argh! I have to do it nevertheless
Praying for God's strength and wisdom... ...

reluctanly exits the room with a heart longing for the holidays to come

~*In the girls room*~ @ Monday, November 27, 2006

Your Time Now:

posted by Sherlaine @ Monday, November 27, 2006 0 Comments

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Wednesday, November 22, 2006

_*Winds of Change*_

Haven't been blogging much... ...
Have the dust been building up on my site?
I wanted so much to change my blog skin
But nothing caught my eye just yet
Am working on one ~ initially
But am at the mercy of html codings

I am so looking forward to my dearest prince graduation day
It's all gonna be OVER in just 2 more weeks!
And he promised me he'd take me for a short holiday =D
5th December marks the day where my separation anxiety ends

Been missing lots of dance pratices lately
I somehow realized that weekends have become my most precious days
And that it's worth the sacrifices as long as I am happy!
Performance due this Saturday and I want to get it over and done with soonest

Am packed with rehersals till Friday
I didn't make it for my Mock Test today - 45.2%
Despite my effort reading the chapters the night before
And my assignment quizes today...an error occurred! How 'Lucky' can I be?!

Did my IS assignments and there goes my Tuesday, all in a blink of an eye
Here comes Wednesday with a sudden realization that I have not done my IS Reflection!
Okay, it's like due date for almost anything and everything
I need more than just some personal time, I need to catch my breath

It's gonna be a long week and short week for me...
Contradicting? Never mind, I think you'd probably get what I meant
I am begining to get use to life this way
Rushing to school and heading home straight

Anyway, been going out often with my boy's bunk mates
A bunch of indecisive guys who can't make up their minds sometimes
But I enjoyed everyone's company, for the fun and joy in our weekend outings
JB trip last week was short but fufilling for our tummies!

Jaron and Girlfriend is such a loving couple
Always showing mutual affections in public
A lovely dovey pair I must say
Well wishes to the both of you!

Clay, the school 'grass' of NP
The only 'single' amongst the couples
In search for his flower? Laughs ~ Perhaps someday he will
Starhub missed our weekly outings, else Clay would have a companion at least

I had a movie with mummy & brother last Friday [COLIC]
It was my movie treat for them to enjoy the start of their weekend
Am going broke, but well... it's my token of love for them at least
As for Daddy and younger brother ~ a treat of Mangoes and Chocolates!

Kuai Yong promised me a surprise this weekend!
How pampered can I be in the loving care of my dearest DA
Food is all that we can ever think of
But do you want to know the heathly part of us?
We completed the Canopy Walk last Sunday! Of course it was tiring but we MADE IT! 7KM

Upcoming...more activities on the way!
REHERSALS ALL THE WAY till [24/11/06]
RAN Written TEST on TUESDAY [28/11/06]
NAFA TEST on FRIDAY [01/12/06]
RAN LAB TEST next SATURDAY [02/12/06]
and finally... Da's POP DAY! [03/12/06]


... ehhh ... but only after my DCST Common Test Paper...

It never seems to end, plus my "work from home" assignments
I miss the good old days!

How about a wish-list for this coming Christmas

I want a Camera
I want more clothes
I want my yummy yougurt
I want my NYDC Chocolate Cake
I want my Holiday
I want a new Mobile Phone
I want my Driver's Licence

These are my WANTS and I never even thought about my NEEDS in life...

~*In the girls room*~ @ Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Your Time Now:

posted by Sherlaine @ Wednesday, November 22, 2006 0 Comments

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